Speaking of Photoshop, Fireworks, CorelDraw software in the design of the "Bezier" tool, you must be very familiar with, understand its importance, but the general sense of this thing a lot of friends, some profound, is not so easily manipulate them. Maybe after you read this article, we should not feel too hard to master it.
Since most of the time drawing with a computer mouse to control the operation of the line of the path (a good tablet is expensive), and hand-painted feel and very different effects. Even a smart painter can easily draw all kinds of graphics, get the mouse to arbitrary drawing is not an easy task. This is the computer must not replace the manual work, so far one can only shrugs. Use the Bezier tool to paint a large extent make up for this shortcoming.
"Bezier Curves" is discovered by French mathematician Pierre Bezier, this vector graphics for the computer basis. Its main significance lies in either straight or curve can be described mathematically.
"Bezier" tool in PhotoShop in called "Pen tool"; in CorelDraw in translation as "Bezier tool"; in Fireworks, called "brush." It is used to draw a line of professional tools. Of course there are many tools you can draw lines to complete the work, for example, we commonly used Photoshop in a straight line, spray gun, brush tool (Figure 1), Fireworks in the line, pencil and brush tools (Figure 2), CorelDraw in the free pens, hand-painted tools, etc. (Figure 3).
Figure 1 (Photoshop on the tool) Figure 2 (Fireworks on the tool) Figure 3 (CorelDraw on the tool)
With "Bethel" tool or whether it is drawing a straight line curve is very simple, readily available. The operating characteristics of the panel with the mouse by placing each anchor, the anchor of the path and described according to the order, producing the effect of straight lines or curves. We all know the path by one or more sections of line segments or curves. Anchor tag path segment endpoint. The curve segments, each selected anchor show the direction of one or two lines, the direction of line with the direction of the end point. Direction lines and direction of the point position to determine the size and shape of the curve. Move these elements will change the path in the shape of the curve, you can see next map. Path can be closed, no beginning or end (eg, circle), it can be open, obvious endpoint (such as wavy lines).
On "Bethel" tool, there are two important concepts to understand, that is, "smooth point" and "corner."
"Smooth Point" means the close of the piece of line is smooth curve, which is located in the central segment. Smooth curve is called smooth anchor point to connect, when the moving direction of line a smooth point, it will also adjust the points on both sides of the curve.
We painted above the curve, to explain in detail a smooth point.
1. With a mouse click in the line direction of the two anchor points.
2. Anchor anchor a second time, press and hold the mouse down drag the point, then it will show the direction of line, and curve to the top of the bend. (Curve of change and direction of line drag in the opposite direction).
3. Press and hold the mouse still, the direction line to the top of the drag, bending under the curve.
4. Anchored a third point, to complete a curve. The second anchor is a smooth point of the curve.
5. Adjustment smooth point can change the shape of the curve.
"Corner" refers to its neighboring segment to which the at least one side is straight, sharp corners connected by a curved path, when the moving direction of line a corner, only to adjust the direction of line with the same side of the curve.
Corner point of the operation process and smooth, like, to understand their basic concept and operation, we now demonstrate the smooth corner point into the process.
This is an example of choice: the mouse to select into a smooth point of the arrow, click the mouse to show the direction of line, move your mouse over the direction of a line, hold down the Alt key to drag the directional line, the direction of the mouse to select the other end of line drag, a smooth anchor point has now become the anchor of the sharp.
In addition, we have special talk about straight line is a curve. If we are in a horizontal surface with a pen tool to describe the system of two anchor points, according to two law of this line is straight, if we are here to describe the anchor and set the number of Bezier curves of zero curvature, which is straight. Curves extend out from the anchor hidden tangent decision, we can look at pictures, this is the use of CroelDraw tools Libeiseer curve rule.
Tangent of the angle, length, shape of the curve is different.
Using different tools, although their names are not the same Bezier tool, but a variety of paths can be used to draw graphics. For example, while we use a variety of design software to create an "S" curve, they are elevated to the direction of the curve drag the first direction point, drag the opposite direction to the direction of the second point. Drag in one direction while the direction of point to create two "S" curve.
Look at the figure below. We were using Fireworks and Photoshop are two tools to draw a graph the same, by observing their every steps, a more comprehensive understanding of the Bezier tool.
Fireworks graphics rendering process of Photoshop graphics rendering process
Two kinds of tools are 5 steps to complete the drawing, and has six anchor, the same path. So draw a simple graph, the use of any software, can achieve the same effect. But since it is some software, then the difference between the total have their place.
Brush with Fireworks, describe the system when the brush tool to anchor the panel on the blue rectangular box, the current selection rectangle in blue solid anchor, the anchor was painted over the blue hollow. Drawn after the completion of the previous anchor, drag the mouse will display a blue line (rubber band) depicts the next anchor, this one by one, until the draw to complete. In the drawing the last anchor, if our graphics path is not closed, then the last anchor that requires double-click the mouse to the end of the work. Fireworks draw the curve in many auxiliary tools such as: free transform tools, can help us to draw a desired graphic.
With Photoshop's pen tool, it uses the current anchor solid black rectangle shows the selected anchor not black hollow box, and draw the two neighboring anchor points by operation it is, if the option column We are useless choose "rubber band", then click on the path segment demonstrated after completion. Select the "like belts," the same as its operation and Fireworks. To end an open path components, in the "Options Bar" in click "" or hold down the Ctrl key point in the path outside the press. To close the path component, set the pen pointer positioned on the first anchor. If placed in the correct position, pen next to a small circle will appear, click to close the path. Photoshop pen tool which several categories: Pen tool, free pen tool, add anchor point tool, delete anchor point tools and conversion tools. Itself has its specific features, compared with the brush tool Fireworks is much more powerful, but its complexity is high.
Using CorelDraw's Bezier tool has its unique features and operating rules. Such as drawing a straight line, select the tool to use when the mouse is click the mouse to set the starting end point, and then move the mouse pointer to the desired location. Note that only a mobile, do not Anzhuo any mouse button. Point, click to delineate the end point, a line painted. Selected under the anchor line path starting point than the end of the large end of the anchor, this and the first two tools are somewhat different. Drawing a closed curve, the last node in the initial node set, the pointer becomes, it will be closed click graphic. CorelDraw press the "Kong Gejian" Jieshuhuaxian Caozuo. The second method is to press the keyboard "Esc" key to force to stop the current operation. This does not make a closed graph. Also in the CorelDraw software, the Bezier tool bar there are many accessibility options to choose from a variety of lines generated effects, such as in the "start arrow selector" the choice of a variety of start arrow, you can also choose to end Office of the arrow, or the outline of the style.
In general, the length of each mapping software has its own, so different tools in the Bezier curve tool functionality great deal of diversity. Fireworks brush features three types of software into a number of relatively weak, Photoshop Pen tool features a more comprehensive, CorelDraw software and a larger difference between the first two software. After all, they are in the computer graphic design techniques each have their own professional purposes, therefore the function of various tools for different requirements. Fireworks is mainly used in web graphics design, with the Dreamweaver software. Photoshop is a professional computer graphics design software, combined yl-011230-t-Ready design of various static and dynamic images. CorelDraw is a powerful layout features, and more for advertising.
We use the form below to summarize the characteristics of the three software. Here, three kinds of software will summarize their different functions, have their similarities, but especially be noted that various software difference between the very small, easy for beginners in these areas of confusion. (Red font that similarities between the software).
Software Name
CorelDraw tool name
Bezier tool shortcuts
F5 function
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榧犳爣鍛堝崄瀛楃姸鎬侊紝閿氱偣鍛堥粦鑹茬煩褰㈡姗$毊甯?br />閫変腑鏃舵湁锛屽彲浠ヤ笉閫?br />Have
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鏈夊鍔犻敋鐐?br />閫夋嫨娣诲姞閿氱偣宸ュ叿
鎴栧湪閫夐」鏍忛噷閫夋嫨鈥滆嚜鍔ㄦ坊鍔狅紡鍒犻櫎鈥濋?涓?閽㈢瑪鈥濆伐鍏锋寚鍚戦敋鐐瑰崟鍑婚紶鏍囧垹闄?br />
閫夋嫨鈥滆浆鎹㈢偣宸ュ叿鈥?br />鎴栬?鎸変綇鈥淐trl鈥?鈥滅Щ鍔ㄥ伐鍏封?
銆??鍙冲浘鏄枃瀛楁寜鏇茬嚎璺緞鎺掑垪鐨勬晥鏋滐紝杩欐槸鐢荤瑪宸ュ叿鏈?箍娉涚殑杩愮敤銆?br />
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銆??1.灏嗘寚閽堝畾浣嶄簬鏇茬嚎鐨勮捣鐐癸紝骞舵寜浣忛紶鏍囨寜閽?姝ゆ椂浼氬嚭鐜扮涓?釜閿氱偣锛屽悓鏃舵寚閽堝皢鍙樹负绠ご銆?br />
銆?銆??銆?br />
銆?? 锛堟部鏇茬嚎鏂瑰悜鎷栫Щ鍙缃涓?釜閿氱偣銆傚悜鐩稿弽鏂瑰悜鎷栫Щ鍗冲畬鎴愭洸绾挎锛?br />
銆??4.鎵ц涓嬪垪浠讳竴鎿嶄綔锛?br />
銆??a.鑻ヨ缁樺埗骞虫粦鏇茬嚎鐨勪笅涓?锛岃灏嗘寚閽堝畾浣嶄簬涓嬩竴娈电殑缁堢偣锛屽苟鍚戞洸绾垮鎷栫Щ銆?br />銆??銆??銆?紙鍚戞洸绾垮鎷栫Щ浠ュ垱寤轰笅涓?锛?br />
銆??涓嬮潰鎴戜滑鐢ㄢ?璐濊禌灏斺?鏇茬嚎宸ュ叿鏉ュ埗浣滀竴涓垚褰㈢殑瀹炰緥锛屽彧鏈変翰鎵嬪埗浣滄墠鏇磋兘鐞嗚В瀹冪殑鍔熻兘銆?br />
銆??绗竴姝ワ細鎻忔懝銆傞?鎷╅挗绗斿伐鍏峰紑濮嬪杩欏紶鍥剧墖鎻忕粯杞粨锛屼负浜嗕究浜庢垜浠弿鎽癸紝鏈?ソ鏄皢鍥剧墖鐨勯?鏄庡害闄嶄綆涓?偣銆?br />
銆??褰撲綘鎸夌収浣犵殑瑕佹眰鍕惧畬杞粨涔嬪悗锛屼綘鍙互灏嗕竴浜涗笉瀹屽杽鐨勯敋鐐硅皟鏁翠竴涓嬶紝鐒跺悗閫変腑杩欎簺绾挎潯锛屽湪鈥淪troke鈥濋潰鏉块噷鈥淧encil鈥濆伐鍏蜂笅閫夋嫨鈥?-Pixel Soft鈥濅娇杞粨绾挎潯鍗佸垎鏌斿拰锛屽緱鍒拌緝濂界殑鍕惧嫆鏁堟灉銆?br />
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銆??鍐嶆寜涓婥trl+Shift+Alt+Z灏嗗畠浠浆鎹㈡垚浣嶅浘銆?br />
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銆??銆?? 銆??
Like how?鏈?粓鐨勬垚鍝佹槸涓嶆槸鎰熻鏈夌偣绁炲锛屼綘涔熻浠庢潵娌℃湁鎯宠繃鑷繁涔熻兘鍒朵綔鍑鸿繖鏍蜂竴骞呭彲鐖辩殑鍗¢?鍥剧墖锛屽綋鐒朵綘骞朵笉鏄粎浠呮弿鎽瑰缓绛戠墿锛岀敾鍗¢?浜虹墿涔熷緢涓嶉敊鐨勩?杩欏彧鏄竴涓畝鍗曠殑渚嬪瓙锛岄?杩囦娇鐢ㄢ?璐濊禌灏斺?鐢荤嚎绾挎潯锛屼綘瀹屽叏鑳藉鑷繁闅忔剰鐨勭粯鍒跺浘褰?
銆??瀵逛簬鍒氬垰寮?瀛﹁璁$殑鏈嬪弸浠潵璇达紝蹇冮噷寰堣揩鍒囩殑鎯冲敖蹇帉鎻″叾鍚勭鎶?阀锛岃璁″嚭绮剧編鐨勪綔鍝佹潵銆傛鏃讹紝浣犲彲鑳戒細鍥犱负涓嶄簡瑙b?璐濊禌灏斺?宸ュ叿锛岃涓鸿鎺屾彙杩欎釜涓滆タ涓?畾闈炲父鍥伴毦銆備絾鏄浜庨偅浜涘凡缁忔槸璁捐甯堢殑鏈嬪弸鏉ヨ锛屽畠鎵?甫鏉ョ殑鏂逛究涓嶈█鑰屽柣锛佲?璐濊禌灏斺?鍦ㄦ垜浠繘琛岃璁℃椂鐢ㄥ涔嬪箍娉涳紝姣忎竴浣嶈璁″笀鍦ㄤ娇鐢ㄥ悇绉嶅浘褰㈣蒋浠剁殑鏃跺?锛岄兘瑕侀绻佺殑鐢ㄥ埌瀹冦?鏈枃缁撳悎浜嗗嚑绉嶅父鐢ㄧ殑缁樺浘杞欢锛岃缁嗙殑浠嬬粛浜嗏?璐濊禌灏斺?鐨勫熀鏈娇鐢ㄦ柟娉曪紝鏄垵瀛﹁?寰堝揩鑳戒笂鎵嬨?褰撶劧姣忎竴闂ㄦ妧鏈兘鏈夊畠娣卞ゥ涓嶆槗瀹屽叏鎺屾彙鐨勫湴鏂癸紝鎴戜滑鍦ㄥ浼氬畠鐨勫熀鏈娇鐢ㄥ姛鑳戒箣鍚庯紝鏇村鐨勬槸瑕佷笉鏂殑杩愮敤锛屽彂鎸ヤ綘鑷韩鐨勫垱閫犺兘鍔涳紝鍦ㄥ疄璺佃繃绋嬩腑鎬荤粨鍑烘洿澶氱殑鎶?阀锛屽皢瀹冨阀濡欑殑杩愮敤鍦ㄤ綘鐨勮璁′綔鍝侀噷锛屼负浣犳垚鍔熺殑璁捐褰撳ソ鍔╂墜銆?br />
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